Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Everything you want to know about MS..or the 100 miler

OK, so on June 27th I did my first 100 miler on my bike. It was part of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation fundraiser, the Utah Chapter, which is held in Logan, Utah and Cache Valley each year. I joined "Team 24" which was sponsored through my fitness club, 24 Hour Fitness. I had signed up in March and really didn't understand it to be a big fund raising event, which meant I needed to hit people I knew up for a donation.

Then I Mike and Lindsey advise that they are coming to Utah and happen to be here during that weekend, so I kind decided to drop the idea and not really train for it and all (though I continued to do a weekly spin class). I had paid the fee and bought the Jersey and when I went to pick it up the Team captain suggested I still do it, but instead of two days at 75 miles each, one day at 100. It was then that I committed myself mentally to do it.

I then find out it is $250 minimum money raised to enter and so I quickly hit up business associated and friends. There are many kind and generous people and I was able to raise $635 which also qualified my for a very cool bike jersey. I raised this in less that a week and money still is coming in as recently as yesterday. It really is a good cause, so that makes it allot easier.

Since the ride started at 7:00 am, it necessitated a stay over. The whole thing takes over the Cache Valley Fairgrounds and our group had a nice spot where maybe 50 people (another group as well) were camping. Nice mellow party atmosphere interrupted by one of the many rain events we have been experiencing in Utah this year. But after the thunder burst, the evening turned out perfect. I stayed in the VW Van as well as cooked my dinner.

Next morning the sponsors had a breakfast, if you call a muffin breakfast. We then had group pictures and were ready to go. I estimated there were about 3000 cyclists. The people on our Team were of various levels and abilities, so I just rode at my own pace, which was not too bad. I seemed to pass the same people, and then they would pass me. I must say that Cache Valley, one of my ancestral homes, is a beautiful place. It was great for biking being relatively flat with minor changes in elevation. This made things allot easier. The ride went northwest past some rivers and bird refuges, then headed east, then north up into Idaho, then west then northwest with a loop at the far north end of the course then head south, east, south, west, then southeast to the start. Many rest stops along the way with oranges, apples, bananas, energy bars, water, Gatorade, sunblock, etc. A nice lunch in Lewiston.

Along the way they had signs about various fact of MS. It was very informative. By the time you were through, you had a good basic knowledge of MS and who it affects.
It was at mile 60 where I took a rest that I assessed that my legs had good staying power, but how on earth I was going to sit on that seat for the next 40 miles was a true mystery. Needless to say, I'm glad I had all the children I intended, cause after that ride was over, I wasn't sure I could have any more.

After getting back to the fair ground/camp I was pleased at how well my legs felts...even if there were other parts without any feeling at all. After about an hour rest I headed back to SLC. As I was leaving I looked at my trip odometer which I had set when I left Salt Lake. It read 90 miles. It was then I realized that I had just pedaled a distance further than from Foothill Village in SLC to Logan. It really put it in perspective. Anyway it is nice to have a new things to say I have done and I'm grateful I have the health and ability to accomplish it.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this post Dave. Thanks for the good time in Utah. We had a great vacation.
